“Everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. Match the Frequency of the desired state and you cannot help but to get that reality, it can be no other way.” -Darry Anka-
“Adopt the peace of nature, Her Secret is Patience.” -Emerson-
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Emerge Empowered Elevation.
Healing emotional wounds and trauma require consciousness and intentionality. In order to calibrate ourselves back into alignment, the mastery then is to know and deeply understand our energetic make-up, so we can navigate life with the flow of ease and abundance.
Navigating the materia
Emerge Empowered Elevation.
Healing emotional wounds and trauma require consciousness and intentionality. In order to calibrate ourselves back into alignment, the mastery then is to know and deeply understand our energetic make-up, so we can navigate life with the flow of ease and abundance.
Navigating the material plane correctly yields to you what is yours. Your energy bodies hear everything you say, speak from your soul. As inner healer, you plug into your original state for clarity, guidance, inspiration and spiritual flow, the key to returning to original wholeness. We are all part of the One Body / Mind / Spirit complex. it is time to end the war within to have peace without, this requires us to engage a Heart Centric Holistic Healing Culture that Explore, Experiment and Experiences All Possibilities.
Now Play with Magic!
Enriching Equity Exchange.
The space between where you are and where you want to be isn’t linear or measurable in feet. It is a dimensional gap. The improved circumstances you seek are found and created in different sets of vibrational coordinates than those you currently frequent. Hope is motivating, but it is n
Enriching Equity Exchange.
The space between where you are and where you want to be isn’t linear or measurable in feet. It is a dimensional gap. The improved circumstances you seek are found and created in different sets of vibrational coordinates than those you currently frequent. Hope is motivating, but it is not a beingness strategy and authority for cosmic co-creation. We are all here to dissolve, unlearn and release what we are not, the False Self and Embody the True Self. Retrieve the fragmented soul aspect of you that you left with the wounded people, in wounded places, wounding things, victimhood situations and circumstances. Deliberately recalibrate by learning and remembering how to receive in a powerful, positive, and higher vibrational frequencies of energy to help you fully align to your authentic self and highest possible source expression. Nothing shall Be Overcome all cycles must be appropriately ended through awareness, forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love, in a unified and balanced state of being.
You are the Miracle!
Elegant Excellence Emanation.
Self-awareness is the process of this reality; self- acceptance is the ultimate power of this reality and self-love is the end game of this reality. Dissolve the vail, Let us forge love based energetic force fields that function in authentic and proper power of Empowered Culture of; A
Elegant Excellence Emanation.
Self-awareness is the process of this reality; self- acceptance is the ultimate power of this reality and self-love is the end game of this reality. Dissolve the vail, Let us forge love based energetic force fields that function in authentic and proper power of Empowered Culture of; Awareness, Movement, Self-awareness, Understanding, Light, and Balanced Wellbeing. Self-awareness and Holistic Integrations the bride between you and everything you desire, deserve, and require creating and experience. Remember there is no Judgement only expression. We are here to remind you of your Sovereign Authenticity and empower you to release erroneous self-perceptions of lack, separation, and control. A background frequency of the need of justifying our existence through; hard work, suffering, endurism, earning, bargains, rewards, punishment sacrifice, and struggle. The root cause is the belief in lack, limitation, control, fear, and judgement cultures we have adopted that is our side of our true nature. These are faulty, erroneous and dysfunctional life premise and patterns of powerlessness.
Let this Junk go!
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