“It is one thing to realize the self. It is something else altogether to embody that realization to be the extent that there is no gap between the inner revelation and its outer expression.”
We are here to witness the unveiling of our social fabric and discover our inner truth as we move to become more self-empowered. We live i
“It is one thing to realize the self. It is something else altogether to embody that realization to be the extent that there is no gap between the inner revelation and its outer expression.”
We are here to witness the unveiling of our social fabric and discover our inner truth as we move to become more self-empowered. We live in a magical reality, in the interconnectivity of existence, a single diversified organism, All things exist in the Eternal Now. We are all here to dissolve, unlearn and release what we are not, the False Self and Embody the True Self. Recalibrate your Interpersonal and Transpersonal Electro-Magnetics back to the receptive way of being System. Be a long-life learner of the authentic Source Expression that you are, you are Life itself.
Learn how to operate in alignment with your individual need, desires and making correct choices. Nothing shall Be Overcome all cycles must be appropriately ended through awareness, forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love, in a unified and balanced state of being.
Evoke Divine command with boldness and courage, dare to explore, experiment, experience, empower, embody, and evolve within your pure sovereign essence. Restore your Prime Energetic Integrity_ Physical Integrity, Resource integrity, Identity Integrity, Movement Integrity, and Essence Integrity. You are the magic this world seeks!
Half of your life is lost charming others. The other half is lost in going through anxieties caused by others. Leave this play, you have plaid enough.
Not all pain is physical. Not all wounds are tangible. Emotions constantly run through our bodies, accompanying what we think, do, see, and dream. We feel them in the form of feelings
Half of your life is lost charming others. The other half is lost in going through anxieties caused by others. Leave this play, you have plaid enough.
Not all pain is physical. Not all wounds are tangible. Emotions constantly run through our bodies, accompanying what we think, do, see, and dream. We feel them in the form of feelings, and these feelings affect our organs and life systems as energetic blockages, so they are not visible to the naked eye, but experienced in our reality. You may call them “generational curses”, but in truth, they are just generational miss-qualified energies and distorted information passed down through limiting concepts, ideologies, paradigms, beliefs, behaviors, relations that give us unbalanced chaotic cycles and results in our life experiences through things, people, places, situations, and circumstances.
So many of the lower frequency constructs we were raised with entrained us into a well-worn generational rat of limitations, lack and restrictions. Hard work, struggle, sacrifice, martyr and endurism, though valid is a faulty premise to Life. This is a collaborative life, a co- creative life. To calibrate ourselves back into alignment, the mastery then is to know and deeply evolve our understandings of our energetic make-up, so we can navigate life with the flow of ease and abundance.
“The moon stays bright when it doesn’t avoid the night. Only from the Heart can you touch the sky.”
In order to calibrate ourselves back into alignment, the mastery then is to know and deeply understand our energetic make-up, so we can navigate life with the flow of ease and abundance. Restore your Soul power of rights and resource
“The moon stays bright when it doesn’t avoid the night. Only from the Heart can you touch the sky.”
In order to calibrate ourselves back into alignment, the mastery then is to know and deeply understand our energetic make-up, so we can navigate life with the flow of ease and abundance. Restore your Soul power of rights and resource rhythm. It's time to Remember What you are, How you are and Why you are in the Totality of your Cosmic Existence within whole/consensus reality.
There are various planes of causation, the higher planes dominating the lower planes. The conflict and crisis we face today on a mental, emotional, and physical level reflects our internal state of being as individual and as a collective. We live in a Receptive realm, until we prioritize self -awareness and integration by re-adjusting what we take into our awareness, we can readjust the entire landscape of our lives, this is most effective catalyst for our beneficial transformation, to start building clean, sustainable vibrations, by giving ourselves the right conditions mentally and emotionally, only then shall we reconnect to our existing authentic and innate divine self. Navigating the material plane correctly as you gets you what is yours by Divine right.
Sign up for Your Gene Keys Wealth Blueprint Evolution Master Class by Human Essence Design Systems
Sign up for Your Gene Keys Wealth Blueprint Evolution Master Class by Human Essence Design Systems
Sign up for Your Gene Keys Wealth Blueprint Calibration Master Class by Human Essence Design Systems
Sign up for Your Gene Keys Wealth Blueprint Activation Master Class by Human Essence Design Systems
Cycles Rebirth | Attunement Sequence
Calibrate Prospering Mastery Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Calibrate Prospering Evolution Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Calibrate Prospering Creativity Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Correctness Resolve |Atonement Sequence
Direct Prospering Mastery Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Direct Prospering Evolution Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Direct Prospering Resource Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Sessions Cover your Comprehensive Essence Signature By Design Blueprints . Access Your How to Curate, Align and Accept Your Wealth Transformation with Detailed Components Applications Frameworks and Environment for You to Occur and Thrive Optimally in the flow of Abundance With Ease and Grace Bounteously. Ase'
Sign up for Your Gene Keys Wealth Blueprint Activation Master Class by Human Essence Design Systems
Centerness Restore | Alignment Sequence
Direct Prospering Activation Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Evolve Prospering Calibration Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Evolve Prospering Mastery Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Containment Refine | Allowing Sequence
Evolve Prospering Creativity Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Evolved Prospering Direction Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Resource Prospering Heart Resource Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Sessions Cover your Comprehensive Essence Signature By Design Blueprints . Access Your How to Curate, Align and Accept Your Wealth Transformation with Detailed Components Applications Frameworks and Environment for You to Occur and Thrive Optimally in the flow of Abundance With Ease and Grace Bounteously. Ase'
Sign up for Your Gene Keys Wealth Blueprint Activation Master Class by Human Essence Design Systems
Currency Realizing | Acceptance Sequence
Activate Prospering Mastery Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Activate Prospering Evolution Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Activate Prospering Creativity Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Completeness Radiance | Assimilation Sequence
Activate Prospering Resource Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Activate Prospering Direction Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Activate Prospering Divine Translation Gateways and Channels By Essence Signature Design
Sessions Cover your Comprehensive Essence Signature By Design Blueprints . Access Your How to Curate, Align and Accept Your Wealth Transformation with Detailed Components Applications Frameworks and Environment for You to Occur and Thrive Optimally in the flow of Abundance With Ease and Grace Bounteously. Ase'